Beginning with something new
About my new personal website

One or the other way, some people might have noticed it already: I launched my new personal website a couple of days ago.
Even though I transferred content from my old Tumblr blog here, this new beginning is certainly not just to modernize the look.
Earlier this year there was already some feeling that I wanted to producing more content for the community to document areas from my professional and personal activities in tech and consultancy work I do. Just recently I got some motivation to get back to that “feeling” and bring it to reality.
Making a plan
So what people can expect are a variety of topic categories being part of rather short and even longer posts on an irregular basis, but with the intention to release something now every few weeks. A plan about how to organize and categorize topics is in the process to manifest in my mind so let's see were this ends.
Find my audience
One important thing I want to point out here is that I will continue to write posts in both languages – English and German. While I can't guarantee that I will be motivated to translate each and every post into both languages, I plan to write the original post always based on the primary audience I would like to reach. Because of my work on international projects around the globe, this will likely be English for professional matters. For topics all around home automation, I know that there is quite a big group of people originating from the German speaking community so I might tend to give priority to create the German version first.
Behind the scenes
I will certainly document a few more aspects I considered to renew and setup this website and blog. If you notice anything special already now and you want me to explain more about it here, leave a comment below and it might become a part of one of the next stories.
So, what do you think – any thoughts about the status quo?