Beginning with something new

About my new personal website

Photo by Dustin Lee on Unsplash

One or the other way, some people might have noticed it already: I launched my new personal website a couple of days ago.

Even though I transferred content from my old Tumblr blog here, this new beginning is certainly not just to modernize the look.

Earlier this year there was already some feeling that I wanted to producing more content for the community to document areas from my professional and personal activities in tech and consultancy work I do. Just recently I got some motivation to get back to that “feeling” and bring it to reality.

Making a plan

So what people can expect are a variety of topic categories being part of rather short and even longer posts on an irregular basis, but with the intention to release something now every few weeks. A plan about how to organize and categorize topics is in the process to manifest in my mind so let's see were this ends.

Find my audience

One important thing I want to point out here is that I will continue to write posts in both languages – English and German. While I can't guarantee that I will be motivated to translate each and every post into both languages, I plan to write the original post always based on the primary audience I would like to reach. Because of my work on international projects around the globe, this will likely be English for professional matters. For topics all around home automation, I know that there is quite a big group of people originating from the German speaking community so I might tend to give priority to create the German version first.

Behind the scenes

I will certainly document a few more aspects I considered to renew and setup this website and blog. If you notice anything special already now and you want me to explain more about it here, leave a comment below and it might become a part of one of the next stories.

So, what do you think – any thoughts about the status quo?

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Julian Pawlowski
Digital Strategy & Innovation Advisor

About the author:
Julian guides customers through the jungle of digitization. His enthusiasm for new technologies has been unbroken for 25 years. When he's not marking the way out of the digital jungle, he's programming his smart home – to the amazement of his Jack-Russel Terrier “Eddie”. Even as a hobby programmer for the open source and smarthome community, he always pursues the goal of making the world a better place through technology.

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